
Group Hypnobirthing Courses

The next group course is running on 4x Tuesday evenings in the new year:

19th + 26th January, and 2nd + 9th February. All 7:30-9:30pm on Zoom.

Come and learn how to prepare for a positive birth experience alongside up to three other expectant birth teams. The full course outline is here.


Pregnancy Relaxation classes

A blissful 45 minutes to really connect with your body, your mind and your baby. Each week is themed, and includes breath work, a positive affirmation, an inspiring piece (a video clip, a poem or an image) and then a lovely long guided relaxation. Each week’s theme is woven into the relaxation by way of visualisation techniques which you can then use in birth. £5 per class or 4 for £16, and 20% of profits go to @fivexmore.


Firstly, choose the type of birth you’re currently planning:


planned abdominal birth

planning physiological birth


Private Courses

For both planned Physiological births, and for planned Abdominal births.


Bespoke courses

From Power Hours to specific preparation topics.


Pregnancy Relaxation

Weekly relaxation / guided meditation classes, every Saturday morning on Zoom.